Here you will find book recommendations from the providers at our office. If you have any questions about our recommendations please call our office we would be happy to help you.
You may be able to find this book at your local library or you can purchase the book (or learn a little more about it) from the website. You can find a link to the website in the right hand corner of this page.
New Book Recommendation!
April 2019
Our second recommendation is from Marie Stahl, PNP
Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel's Autism
By Dr. Peter J. Hotez
Dr. Hotez is a pediatrician, vaccine researcher and the father of an adult autistic child. In this book he tells us of his family's journey as his daughter Rachel is diagnosed with autism. He also explains in layman's terms why it is not possible that vaccines cause autism.
Dr. Hotez acknowledges that multiple vaccines are given at the very time that young children begin to show signs of autism--around 18-24 months of age. Dr. Hotez explains why autism becomes more evident at this time. At this age, children experience a rapid increase in vocabulary and communication skills. The brains of children with autism are structurally different from children who do not have autism. These changes begin prenatally. Children with autism have patches of disorganized cerebral cortex in the prefrontal and temporal lobes of the brain. These are the areas of the brain that are responsible for communication, language, and social functions. Evidence points to alterations in up to 1000 genes that may be responsible for these changes in the brain.
The potentially large number of genes involved in autism means that unraveling the mystery of the exact cause of autism is a complex task that may take years of research to fully understand. Vaccines have been well studied and it is clear that they do not cause autism. The changes in the brains of autistic children take place long before vaccines are given. Parents can feel confident that vaccinating their children is the right thing to do. While many childhood diseases have "disappeared," it is clear that communities with low vaccination rates are finding that these childhood diseases are still present beneath the surface. This is why we are seeing measles outbreaks in some areas of the country.
I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in autism, its causes and in vaccine saftey. It is also available through the public library system.
Previous Book Recommendations:
1-2-3 Magic by Thomas W. Phelan, is our first book recommendation
from Marie, our Pediatric Nurse Practitoner.
"Dr. Phelan, PhD. provides a strategy to help parents manage the behavior of their 2 through 12 year old children. He identifies three goals for parents.
1. Controlling obnoxious behavior
2. Encouraging good behavior
3. Strengthening your relationship with your child"